Summertime...and the Givin's Easy

Summertime in the Smokies
There are trees here that stood before our forefathers ever came to this continent: there are brooks that still run as clear as on the day the first pioneer cupped his hand and drank from them. In this Park, we shall conserve these trees, the pine, the red-bud, the dogwood, the azalea, the rhododendron, the trout and the thrush for the happiness of the American people. – President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Sep. 2, 1940, at the Dedication of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Summertime in the Smokies. There’s nothing like it. While we have hot and humid days (we are in a temperate rain forest, after all), we can escape and enjoy the coolness and quiet of the Smokies: sitting alongside a creek with a picnic, drifting on the rivers in an innertube or kayak; enjoying God’s creation with family or in solitude.
It’s so calm, cool, and peaceful.
It’s so calm, cool, and peaceful.
We know many of you will be traveling and juggling summer schedules. Sometimes, the urge to enjoy the mountains and all they have to offer pulls us away from worship, fellowship, and our regular tithing. But we hope you’ll take time to be part of our fellowship and worship opportunities.
With so much going on, giving tends to taper off, making meeting our financial goals and ministry mission more challenging. We want you to enjoy your time away without worrying about your tithes and offerings to your church. But now, you can ensure that your generosity prevails, even when you’re on vacation, by giving online. It’s fast, easy, convenient, and, most importantly, secure. You can go online anytime, anywhere to give your tithes and offerings, with the confidence that your financial transactions are secure. To be a part of what God is doing here at the church this summer please visit our website’s Giving page and update your giving preferences.
With so much going on, giving tends to taper off, making meeting our financial goals and ministry mission more challenging. We want you to enjoy your time away without worrying about your tithes and offerings to your church. But now, you can ensure that your generosity prevails, even when you’re on vacation, by giving online. It’s fast, easy, convenient, and, most importantly, secure. You can go online anytime, anywhere to give your tithes and offerings, with the confidence that your financial transactions are secure. To be a part of what God is doing here at the church this summer please visit our website’s Giving page and update your giving preferences.

First Baptist Church offers several ways for you to give:
Online: The link below will send you to our online giving page.
Text: You can text FBCPIGEONFORGE to 73256 to easily give via your phone.
Checks: Mail checks to First Baptist Church, PO Box 98, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868-0098.
Cash: Please never mail cash through the mail.
Online: The link below will send you to our online giving page.
Text: You can text FBCPIGEONFORGE to 73256 to easily give via your phone.
Checks: Mail checks to First Baptist Church, PO Box 98, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868-0098.
Cash: Please never mail cash through the mail.
To stay up to date with all church happenings, sign up for our emails and text messages. Click below and complete the form.
NOTE: You must respond to the follow-up text to fully register for text messages.
We will never give out subscriber information to anyone without express permission.
NOTE: You must respond to the follow-up text to fully register for text messages.
We will never give out subscriber information to anyone without express permission.
Posted in Tithing, Uncategorized
Posted in church life, tithes & offerings, summertime, online giving, text-to-give, email signup, text signup, connections
Posted in church life, tithes & offerings, summertime, online giving, text-to-give, email signup, text signup, connections
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