Campus Enhancements Update

"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."

Hebrews 3:4
It's been a busy few weeks here at First Baptist Church. To date, our fellowship hall has had a total makeover and over half of the sanctuary windows have been replaced. The window installation should be complete by Good Friday. The windows' muntins are being manufactured now. Those will be installed on the inside and outside of the glass panes in the very near future. 
God is good! And we are blessed to be able to update His church as we continue to minister to the people and visitors of Pigeon Forge!
The Campus Enhancement Committee plans to present further sanctuary renovation plans  at the next Quarterly Business Meeting on Sunday, April 14. Those plans may include the carpet replacement, refinishing the stage and choir loft, refurbishing and resetting the pews, new lighting, and more.
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Stay tuned for more images of the changes and other information about the upcoming changes.

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